When you have a substance use disorder (SUD), support becomes an invaluable resource. Dealing with addiction on your own is difficult and—for many people—feelings of loneliness can hurt your recovery progress. This is why there are many benefits of attending recovery support groups in Kansas City, MO.
Humans are social creatures. Subsequently, we are better able to deal with the hardships that come with life when we have others to share our feelings and burdens with. Peer support groups are a great way to find people who understand what you’re going through.
When recovering from an addiction or SUD, it is important to have a community of people by your side, supporting you in your journey to sobriety. While this can include your family and friends, it can also include people who know exactly what you’re going through. And these people can be found in recovery support groups here in Kansas City, MO.
What Are Addiction Support Groups?
Addiction support groups are exactly what they sound like: groups of people who gather and share information and feelings about their addiction and the recovery process. These groups come in many different forms, offering many different things to their members. Some support groups gather specifically for those struggling with a certain type of addiction (like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous). Other support groups welcome anyone who is looking to get help for an addiction problem regardless of the drug involved (such as SMART Recovery).
Support groups usually meet in places such as community centers and rehabs in Kansas City. Some support groups take place in churches. However, attending a faith-based support group program is not limited to the members of that church. Instead, anyone who is struggling with addiction can benefit from faith-based support groups.
Other support groups meet in schools, treatment centers, correctional institutions, and mental health clinics. These support group meetings are usually open for anyone to attend. However, some require an admission fee or registration before attending, so it is important to find the answers to the following questions when deciding which support group is right for you.
Recovery Support Groups in Kansas City
If you are searching for a recovery support group in Kansas City, MO, or any other city in Missouri, there are a few ways to find them. One way is to contact your current substance abuse or mental health treatment center. Most centers will have a list of local meetings, upcoming events, and other news regarding the recovery community in their treatment area.
Here are a few options offered in the Kansas City area:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Kansas City Intergroup: Provides support meetings for individuals recovering from alcohol addiction. https://kc-aa.org/
Narcotics Anonymous (NA): Greater Kansas City Area: Offers support meetings for individuals recovering from drug addiction. https://www.kansascityna.org/
SMART Recovery: A science-based recovery support group that focuses on self-empowerment and cognitive-behavioral techniques. https://meetings.smartrecovery.org/meetings/?coordinates=50&location=Kansas%20City
Celebrate Recovery: A Christian-based recovery program that addresses a wide range of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. https://locator.crgroups.info/
Al-Anon Family Groups: Offers support meetings for friends and family members of individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. https://al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/find-an-al-anon-meeting/
Nar-Anon Family Groups: Provides support meetings for friends and family members of individuals struggling with drug addiction. https://www.nar-anon.org/find-a-meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA): A support group for individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. https://draonline.org/meetings/
No support group is the same, so don’t get discouraged if it takes a few visits to find the right support group for you.
What You Can Expect in a Recovery Support Group
Recovery support groups usually follow a particular structure. When you find the right support group in Kansas City, MO for yourself, you can expect:
- Introductions and sharing of first names only (although you might be required to verify your name on paperwork).
- A focus on sharing personal experience, strength, and hope with the group instead of lecturing about addiction recovery topics.
- People who are open to making new friends and talking openly about what they’re going through in their own lives.
These groups are a safe environment for people to share freely with others who have been where they are now. When members share their addiction stories, others can lend an ear and offer sympathetic advice or guidance. There may even be members with similar experiences who can offer valuable insights.
Questions to Ask When Picking a Support Group
When you’re looking for a support group—whether it is a support group in Kansas City, MO, or another city—it’s important to gather information about the group you are interested in. There are many options out there for support groups, and deciding can be difficult.
- How often does this support group meet?
- Where does this support group meet and at what time?
- Does this group cater to my specific needs? (For example, some groups are women-only groups or men-only groups.)
- How far away is this support group from my home? And, am I able to regularly attend this support group despite the distance?
- Is this a secular or a faith-based support group? (It is important to choose a group that you will feel comfortable attending.)
- Does this support group require that I fill out any paperwork beforehand?
- Can friends or family attend this support group with me or is it a closed group, meant only for people with SUDs?
- Does this support group require that I pay a certain fee or give money? If so, what does it cover? (For example, some groups offer childcare.)
- If there is an intake process for this group, what do I need to provide the group leader? (What information will they want about me?)
- Are people who attend this support group open with each other about relapses or slips if one occurs during their recovery journey?
- Do I feel comfortable speaking openly and honestly about myself in front of others at this support group after only meeting them once or twice before?
- Can I make up missed meetings or sessions without penalty if something prevents me from attending appointments regularly?
The Benefits of Recovery Support Groups
Support groups in Kansas City, MO can provide you with a place to discuss your recovery with people who understand exactly what you’re going through. You will never have to explain yourself or feel judged by these people because everyone there knows what it’s like to be in recovery from addiction.
- Conversation with people who understand what you are going through
- Learning about the particular issue that brought you to the recovery support group
- Accessing other services that the group can inform you about
- Gaining new coping strategies
- Reliable advice from others in recovery
- Being able to help someone else through their journey with addiction and recovery
- An understanding of how your addiction affects those around you and how to properly support them as they face possible relapse
These meetings are not only a good source of support, but they are also helpful for staying sober. Recovery support groups are proven to reinforce sobriety in individuals who are recovering from a SUD. These groups’ positive results are empirically validated and, on average, those who attend support groups are more likely to avoid relapse.

The Different Types of Recovery Support Groups
When it comes to recovery support groups, there are several different kinds. It’s important to identify which kind you’re looking for before attending a recovery support group.
12-Step Recovery Support Groups
This is a very common type of support group in Kansas City, MO. These groups are often found at churches, out of homes, and even in addiction treatment centers. They are known for their 12 steps to sobriety. What this means is that each member has taken these steps to overcome their addictions and has been successful at maintaining lifelong abstinence from alcohol or drug use.
Mutual Support Groups
Mutual support groups offer members the opportunity to support one another. They are held at churches or addiction centers. Additionally, they occur weekly, monthly, or even daily depending on the group. Members of mutual support groups will usually discuss what coping skills they use for their addiction and how it has impacted them personally.
Online Support Groups
When making it to an in-person recovery support group is not possible, there are other options. Online support groups are a popular option for those who need support from a group of people but cannot physically attend. In-person meetings allow for members to socialize and develop friendships. Online meetings accomplish the same through chat rooms, forums, or even video chat.
How to Find a Recovery Support Group Near Me
If you are searching for a recovery support group in Kansas City, MO, or any other city in Missouri, there are a few ways to find them. One way is to contact your current substance abuse or mental health treatment center. Most centers will have a list of local meetings, upcoming events, and other news regarding the recovery community in their treatment area.
You can also contact Narcotic Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, non-profit organizations that run 12-step groups for those who suffer from substance abuse problems. NA and AA have chapters throughout the United States as well as over 120 other countries, which makes it one of the most accessible recovery support groups available.
In addition to these organizations, you can search online for meetings in your area. Local community centers and churches will likely have a list of recovery support groups in Kansas City, MO, or a neighboring municipality.
Recovery Support From Sana Lake
Recovery support groups are not just for individuals who are currently receiving addiction treatment. These supportive communities provide members with information on how to handle high-risk situations that may cause relapse, create effective coping strategies, make amends with people they harmed while under the influence, and much more.
Before these recovery groups, comes treatment. It is necessary to go through drug addiction treatment, such as alcohol rehab for Kansas City residents, to understand one’s behaviors, triggers, and how to stay sober. These groups do not take the place of addiction treatment or therapy. Instead, these groups also provide information on how individuals in recovery can maintain a healthy lifestyle after leaving rehabilitation.
If you are ready to take your next steps in recovery, contact us today. Here at Sana Lake, we offer a hopeful and healing environment to help our patients through troubling times. Whether you’re seeking drug rehab in Missouri or support for alcohol recovery, we will create a personalized recovery plan to treat your mental health or substance use disorder in a way that works best for you. Don’t hesitate; help is a call away.