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Difference Between Amphetamine and Methamphetamine 

Amphetamines and methamphetamines are powerful stimulants that rock the user’s brain into a fast-paced frenzy. The clarity and euphoria recognized in these drugs are what lead to dependence. 

Stimulants come in various forms, ranging from everyday substances to potent drugs. Crystal methamphetamine, famously referenced in the TV show Breaking Bad, is an illegal stimulant made by combining toxic chemicals. Its production and use pose significant risks to individuals and communities. On the other hand, amphetamines have medical applications. For those diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), prescription medications like Adderall or Ritalin – which contain amphetamine are often crucial for managing symptoms.  

While both methamphetamine and amphetamines fall under the stimulant category, they differ substantially in their effects, uses, and legal status. The key difference lies in how quickly and intensely each substance impacts the brain, leading to vastly different outcomes for users. 

Amphetamine vs Methamphetamine: Why Are They Different?

Amphetamines are short-acting stimulant drugs that work to increase wakefulness in the user. These drugs originated in the 1930s as an over-the-counter drug called Benzedrine in the form of an inhaler to combat congestion. Soon after, pill tablets became widely available, and the expansion grew from there. It should be noted that the effects of these stimulant drugs are pretty similar to those of crack or cocaine. If these stimulants are abused to the degree of overdose, the user will experience symptoms such as hallucinations, convulsions, and even death. 

If you intake an amphetamine, you’ll likely experience: 

  • Increased blood pressure 
  • Decreased appetite 
  • Insomnia 
  • Exhaustion 

Methamphetamines are more harmful than amphetamines due to how quickly these drugs enter the brain. In addition, methamphetamines have been linked to tooth decay. Methamphetamines hijack the central nervous system to produce waves of euphoria, aggression, and increased body temperature. These usually appear in rock or powder form, often taking a bluish or off-white color. Methamphetamines can be snorted for a longer, slow-acting high that lasts for up to a day. Smoking usually produces a short but intense high. 

Image explaining differences between amphetamine and methamphetamine

What Are the Similarities Between Amphetamines and Methamphetamines?

Amphetamines and methamphetamine share many similarities; think of them as chemical cousins. When comparing amphetamine vs methamphetamine, both have a high risk of addiction but offer medical use applications. They produce many of the same side effects; however, meth is more potent and fastacting in the body. Both are Schedule II drugs, but methamphetamines are rarely used in the medical field and are the most commonly trafficked substance in the United States.  

How Does Addiction Differ Between Amphetamines and Methamphetamines?

While both amphetamines and methamphetamines are highly addictive, the nature of their addiction and the symptoms of dependence differ significantly due to their chemical structures and the way they affect the brain. 

Amphetamines are often prescribed medications, such as Adderall, which can become addictive when misused or taken in higher-than-prescribed doses. These stimulants produce a sense of heightened concentration and euphoria, making them especially appealing as “study drugs” among students or individuals looking to improve focus. However, even under a doctor’s supervision, long-term use of amphetamines can lead to addiction. 

Common withdrawal symptoms of amphetamines include: 

  • Fatigue 
  • Recurring vivid dreams 
  • Increased appetite 
  • Motor impairment 
  • Mood swings 

Cravings for amphetamines can begin soon after use has stopped, with side effects of abuse including irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and acute psychosis. The euphoric effects, combined with the stimulant’s ability to improve concentration, make it particularly addictive. Additionally, misuse of amphetamines alongside alcohol can increase the risk of alcohol poisoning due to delayed recognition of alcohol’s effects. 

Methamphetamines, on the other hand, are rarely used for medical purposes and are commonly abused in illicit forms such as crystal meth. Methamphetamine addiction is particularly gripping because the stimulant produces a more intense and prolonged high, leading to stronger cravings and a higher likelihood of relapse. Methamphetamines remain in the body longer, contributing to severe withdrawal symptoms and frequent binge use. 

Common withdrawal symptoms of methamphetamines include: 

  • Fatigue and lethargy 
  • Increased appetite 
  • Suicidal thoughts 
  • Depression and anxiety 
  • Paranoia and hallucinations 

Methamphetamine use often leads to a phenomenon called “tweaking,” where the user stays awake for several days, cycling through periods of euphoria followed by paranoia and psychosis. The short half-life of methamphetamines and the depressive crash that follows their use increase the likelihood of binge use, which can lead to overdose. Methamphetamine addiction is particularly dangerous because the intense cravings and severe psychological symptoms, such as paranoia and psychosis, make recovery more difficult without intensive treatment. 

Amphetamine vs Methamphetamine: Chemical Structure

While amphetamines and methamphetamines are both classified as stimulants, a small difference in their chemical structure causes differences in their effects on the body and brain. 

The chemical structure of amphetamines, or alpha-methylphenethylamine, consists of a phenyl ring bonded to an amine group. This bond stimulates the nervous system and increases alertness and energy.  Methamphetamine, or N-methylamphetamine, has a similar core structure but has an additional methyl group attached to the nitrogen atom. This small difference in chemical structure causes the effects of methamphetamine to be more potent and longer lasting compared to amphetamines.  

The addition of this methyl group not only amplifies methamphetamine’s potency but also contributes to its higher potential for abuse and addiction. This is the primary chemical difference between the two substances and the reason for the “meth” prefix in methamphetamine. 

Chemical structure difference between methamphetamine and amphetamine

What are Stimulants, and How Do They Relate to These Drugs?

Stimulants are drugs that essentially speed up the processes of the body, mainly the central nervous system. Say you work long hours and keep finding yourself dozing off in the middle of important tasks. A friend recommends some pills that keep you up, but your teeth-grinding seizes you. Do you wonder what’s changing you? 

Stimulants are more likely to increase health risks when paired with other substances. This is also known as polydrug use. Stimulants can come in a variety of forms, from pills to powders.  Stimulant overdoses typically lead to heart failure or seizures, so it’s vital that first responders provide proper care and blood flow to the patient. 

Some common stimulant drugs and street names include: 

  • Coke or Crack 
  • Nicotine 
  • Caffeine 
  • Study Drugs 
  • Khat 
  • Speed 
  • Crystal 
  • Uppers 

Low doses of stimulant drugs offer the wakefulness of espresso or drag from a cigarette. Stimulant drugs can be snorted, injected, and smoked. Just like any drug, the body can develop a tolerance to these stimulant drugs — with the need for higher dosages. Psychological dependence can be easier to manage in comparison to the demands of physical dependence; where the body needs the stimulant to function. 

Side Effects of Stimulant Use

  • Taking in large amounts of stimulants drugs have posed side effects such as: 
  • Tremors 
  • Dizziness 
  • Nausea 
  • Chest Pain 
  • Sweating 
  • Abdominal Cramps 
  • Headache 

The abuse of stimulant drugs can lead to permanent damage to the brain, often leading to psychosis, aggression, and suicidal/homicidal behaviors. Amphetamines are typically prescribed in the form of pills for ADHD and narcolepsy. Stimulant drugs can appear as over-the-counter medication like pseudoephedrine (used in cold and allergy medicine). These drugs have to be logged and buyers usually require identification. According to the DEA, methamphetamines are Schedule II drugs, with only one version for prescribed use (Dexosyn for specific ADHD and obesity cases). 

Stimulants increase the release of dopamine and norepinephrine, chemical messengers in the brain that revolve around the reward center. Individuals who use stimulant drugs can experience: 

  • Euphoria 
  • Increased Confidence or Self Esteem 
  • Rapid Heartbeat 
  • Reduced Appetite 
  • Weight Changes 
  • Dehydration 
  • Anxiety 
  • Mental Sharpness 
  • Sexual Arousal 

What Does Detox Look Like for Amphetamine vs Methamphetamine?

Detox for amphetamines vs methamphetamines has a straightforward forward process. Symptoms can begin within 24 hours after use has stopped. Since the physical withdrawal symptoms are not as severe compared to other stimulants and substances, the patient can expect the symptoms to persist for about seven to 10 days.

  1. The first wave of withdrawals usually takes place within the first few days.  
  2. After an approximate two-week mark, the cravings will subside for the most part. 

Medications For Methamphetamine/Amphetamine Detox

While there are no FDA-approved medications specifically for methamphetamine withdrawal, studies show that baclofen may help reduce methamphetamine cravings. However, it’s important to take baclofen only as prescribed by a doctor, as misuse can result in baclofen withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety and muscle spasms.

Although antidepressants like Wellbutrin may also be used to reduce cravings, their delayed effects can make them less ideal for detox.

Long-Term Treatment for Methamphetamine or Amphetamine Addiction

For long-term recovery, members should explore an inpatient drug rehab (like Sana Lake offers in St. Louis). Behavioral therapies and group support will ignite the recommended care and attention the patient needs. Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT is a comprehensive approach to tackle the compulsions that enable addiction. Developing proper coping skills and life strategies are what will distinguish the healing process. Journaling could be beneficial to express your feelings and experiences. 

Get Help with Methamphetamines or Amphetamines at Sana Lake

The critical effects of methamphetamines and amphetamines should not be the barrier between you and your recovery. Sana Lake is here in open arms to provide quality care and understanding for you or the needs of your loved one. We tailor recovery for every nuanced patient with their journeys. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, feel free to contact us. Our mission is to listen. 

Picture of Ashley Murry LCSW
Ashley Murry LCSW
Ashley Murry, LCSW, is the Chief Clinical Officer at Sana Lake Recovery. She oversees clinical operations, ensuring effective treatment strategies and compliance. Before this, she was Program Director at Gateway Foundation, managing care programs and collaborating with state departments. Ashley has also served as Director of Clinical Services at Treatment Management Company, improving staff retention and clinical standards. She holds a Master's in Social Work from the University of South Florida and a Bachelor's in Social Work from Saint Leo University. She is licensed in Florida, Arizona and Missouri.
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